I Test
I think that I may need to get new glasses before my health insurance kicks in. Many of you may not even know that I have been perscribed corrective lenses.
When I did have them I was not required to wear them at all times leading some of you (KEEHNAN) to call me a "faker".
Lately I've noticed that due to my lack of appropriate eye wear my vision is lessening.
For example, while googling who knows what I came accross this image and thought to myself ooooooooooooooh, a pack of happy go lucky Brittany spaniels. My how I miss my spaniel friend Krackers.
But they aren't spaniels, THEY'RE BOER GOATS!
I think I need a seeing eye bitch to get myself to Lens Crafters.
That's not a goat, it's a dog, right?
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