To all ya'all who are trying to make your kids steal Maddox's flavor, it's not gonna work. In this week's Star magazine there's a feature on some dude from All My Children (and aparently a Harlem gentrify-er) with some wannabe baby Maddox kid. Givin' your kracker ass baby a mohawk and screen-printed psuedo disigner jeans does not make you look good. Please stop imposing your metro-sexual tanning bed ways on your 4-6 year old children. And for the love of god, don't try to make your kid go punk in a cheap J.C. Penny baseball tee with flames on it. You should be extra ashamed of yourself, at least when you see a baby in a Misfits onesie you can laugh about it, like, hah that baby is hardcore. But the flames? That says, "that baby's parents are dicks who think they are bad ass and has a grim future".
Babies aren't supposed to be cool. They're supposed to learn how to not shit themselves and how to eat solid foods. They do not care about looking bomb in lacoste hats too big for their tiny baby heads (Sean Preston, I'm talking to you).
Man, I'm glad my parents didn't make me look like a total douche.
Is there a Hallmark card for that?
Shoebox greetings, get on it!
How about this?
"Here's a symbol of my graditude for you not dressing your babies like douches. I may be a mere cat, but this makes my life infinately more rewarding."